Best: Got to see my friend Caye who I haven't seen in nearly a decade. She was visiting here from Washington. We were total BFF's when we were young... time and distance changes things but we are still close and it's weird to see our children grown. :) My new Sexi Sandal Crocs came in the mail yesterday and I love them.. I added the photos of them to my Croc post. :) My very first article on Expats Post has nearly 1100 pageviews and someone linked to it and quoted me on their blog. wow. so exciting. Had a very nice dinner out with our friends the Campos last night at Islands..Mockful and Mockfuler (Noelle & Erika) were in rare form as usual. I have to say that when Erika is laughing so hard that her nose goes into a scrunchy you can't help but laugh with her. Really...I have to get a pic of that. :) The Hunger Games movie came out and I got it for free with my Best Buy reward zone points. WooooHooo. I just realized that my old phone car charger fits my new phone too...yippppeee one less thing to buy.

Caye and I at Shoreline Village Long Beach, Stefano's Pizza
Worst: The mayhem I encountered while attempting to pick Caye up to have lunch. I drove an hour and a half with traffic only to arrive (badly needing to pee) at my friends street that was blocked off with a multitude of police cars because they were in the middle of a chase of a robbery suspect that was hiding in her neighborhood. So I sat behind a police car, leaving multiple times to pee, and waited 3 and half hours. The first time I left to pee and get gas at the corner gas station, remember I was still holding it from the trip down, I parked at the pump and went inside to pay and when I asked the lady where the restroom was... she said they didn't have one..nearly about to pee myself at this point, I said in horror.."are you kidding me" and she said no, we don't have one! And so I said well then I guess I won't be buying gas here either and I left in search of another bathroom. HOLY CRAP!! this day was not going at all how I had found a bathroom at a supermarket. Took care of that issue and then returned to the police chase and continued to wait..and wait...and wait...and then the search helicopter returned and a whole bunch more police cars came to my friends street, and my friend texted me and said OMG the suspect was hiding in her backyard and the police just tackled him right outside her front door. Whew!!!! Glad she didn't try to come out. So we managed to leave after that and did have lunch, and then on my way to return her I narrowly avoided a 5 gallon plastic paint bucket in the middle of our lane entering the, that would not have been good for my car. So I dropped her off and headed home and the traffic was a little bad, and people were misbehavin..but I made it. Yay. Who would have thought? I mean what are the odds? But all is well and I had a few glasses of wine that night to celebrate my safe return home. :)
Funniest: Noelle's reaction to the Croc blog post, and her reaction to my new Sexi Sandal Crocs. Sometimes you just have to laugh. Ah well.
What I learned: Our C.j. sunshine taught me how to RIP and now I am a RIPPIN fool. I now have my whole music collection on my computer and I am making some fun ringtones at Fun Fun Fun. :)
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