Revolutionary Road... Movie review
Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet play Frank and April Wheeler in this 50's era tale of broken dreams in suburban Connecticut. Kathy Bates stars as a real estate agent, and friend, who aids them in finding the house of their dreams on the upscale and perfectly manicured Revolutionary Road. In a last ditch effort to escape her mundane life where she has become exactly what she feared most, April concocts a scheme to move the family to Paris. She convinces Frank by saying she'll work and he can find himself. Steady Frank, however, is reluctant to leave the security of a well established career and is offered a hefty promotion. The dynamic, although exceedingly well acted, I found to be most depressing. This is not a feel good movie. In fact, I was happy to switch the channel to regular tv at the movie's end and become lost in some program that would make me forget the lingering feelings of dread. The best thing about the film as a whole is perhaps that it so well illustrates what not to do. The cinematography was outstanding and brought the 50's right into our livingroom. So on the Heart Chart...Revolutionary Road gets four out of five hearts. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I like the idea of you doing movie reviews. Nice job, Dani. Cheers, Dean
ReplyDeleteDean I have actually been doing them for a while, but I didn't know how to put the tags on in my blog and now that I have learned I went back and added them. ty. I love movies. I so appreciate your encouragement. :)