I do not usually read reviews of a movie before I go to see it, but this time because I couldn't go on opening night I was too curious and gave in to that curiosity. I have to say that I don't agree with any of the reviews I read except that the musical score was a bit too loud and often seemed intrusive. I did however love the music. Bella's theme is appropriately haunting and beautiful. I suppose at this point I will have to identify as a Twi-hard. I read the entire series of books in only two weeks and I just didn't want the story to end. I was happy to see that they stuck to the storyline because for us that are big fans that is so important. For us, making the book come alive on the big screen is really what it's all about. The critics can say what they like, but I know I am not alone in how I feel and the proof is in the bottom line. The wedding was dreamy, and it was nice to have a break from the tension in the story for bit.. to just enjoy the characters being happy for a minute. The critics called that boring... but us fans know what's coming and appreciate the lull. I enjoyed the scenes of Bella getting ready for her big day and being surrounded by her new vampire family and her mom and dad. I am so happy that they made it grand... it was befitting. Some of the critics were disappointed that they didn't show more of the deflowering, but I think they showed just enough. It's not a porno after all. We're not stupid.. we get the idea. The aftermath really said it all, and the sweet embraces and when Bella convinces Edward to take her again, eventhough he had made up his mind to wait until he changed her for fear of hurting her further, but gives in was priceless and wonderfully romantic. I enjoyed the images of them playing chess and playfully interacting... just because it's a honeymoon doesn't mean it's all about sex. I particularly liked where they ended it, and when Bella opens her eyes and they are red... well it was actually a little frightening and we realize in that moment the true nature of the decision she has made and it sort of snaps us out of our romantic delusions. LOL I loved it. There was a sense of forboding and of what's to come. I was happy that they didn't shy away from the birthing scene. It is what it is, and should not be sugar coated. A lot of people say that the movie takes a pro-life stance, I don't agree. It's about love, Bella wanted more than anything to have Edward's child. It was the one thing she would regret giving up to become a vampire, and although the situation was dire, she made the choice her heart wanted. No one would have blamed her had she made the opposoite choice given the circumstances. Luckily it all works out for her and she doesn't lose her life because of it. We can argue all day about the message that it sends, but that's why it has a parental guidance warning. It is up to parents to educate their kids and monitor what messages they are receiving. I cannot wait to see more of the baby in the last movie. It will be interesting to see how they depict her special gift. So from the lavish wedding to the haunting and beautiful musical score on the Heart Chart Breaking Dawn part 1 gets 4 out of 5 hearts. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥